with information where to buy the Graff Wars book

When the movie
Star Wars: A New Hope, premiered in 1977,
it became the foundation of what
may be the biggest pop cultural phenomenon of our time.
As the movie reached the theaters,
a subculture, originating from The Bronx, NY
started its climb to a world wide expansion rarely seen before.
The art form, the music and the dance
emerging from this subculture,
drew their inspiration from the surrounding community
and from books, cartoons, advertising and movies.
Shortly after the release of the third movie,
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
– Beat Street premiered in Europe,
and the subculture Hip Hop became a phenomenon
for young people all over the Western world.
By the late 1970s and the early 1980s,
the Star Wars’ universe was a major source
of inspiration for graffiti artists,
and Darth Vader and Storm Troopers were frequently painted
on the subway trains in New York City.
During the following years,
Star Wars as a concept surpassed the movies
and the Hip Hop culture spread throughout
Asia and Africa and became one of the
largest subcultures the world has ever seen.
New graffiti performers and new
Star Wars fans came forward,
and at the launch of
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace in 1999
rap was the biggest selling music genre in the US.
Hardly any other pop cultural phenomenon
has had a greater impact on youths these
last decades than the Star Wars’ universe has had.
18. September 2010, Kontur Publishing will issue Graff Wars,
a book documenting the great influence
the legacy of Star Wars has had on
graffiti and many of their performers.
What started out as an exclusive article about
graffiti inspired by the Star Wars movies
in the Norwegian graffiti magazine
Fat Cap’s 20th anniversary issue,
has now become the book project Graff Wars.
It will bring together graffiti
inspired by Star Wars from all over the world.
Reports about the book have got an
immense response on the Internet,
and foreign distributors have shown great interest already.
From now until the launch there will be
info about the book on
Kontur Publishing’s Facebook page,
and there will be weekly updates of photos at
the Fat Cap blog
Book info:
Original title: Graff Wars
Editors: BA Byvold and Martin Berdahl Aamundsen
Graphic design: Martin Berdahl Aamundsen
Pages: 224
Format: 28 x 28 cm
Printed hardcover
ISBN: 978-82-93053-03-3
Print: United Press, Latvia 2010
-Alto Contraste crew
-Are –Ker (OH Crew)
-Andy K
-Aper (156)
-Babie (OWN)
-Bates (AIO/COD/TNB/WCA/156)
-Bexa (OH crew)
-Brand Fury
-Chew (AM)
-Cope2 (KD/OTB)
-Deko (156)
-Devil Conscience
-Dime One
-Drik (Nova-X)
-Dizkust (BK/HG)
-El Mac
-Frok (OH crew)
-FLS crew
-Fok (KD)
-Gouge (CAS)
-Great (AIO/SRG)
-Jeks (CAS)
-Kacao77 (Nova-X)
-Kern (AM)
-Kid (THP)
-Krek (AM)
-Loomit (UA/FBI)
-Mack (ATK)
-Migel (156)
-Mok (156)
-Mr. OneTeas
-Mr. Wiggles
-Much (HAS)
-Oase (GVB/INC)
-Ree2 (MTA)
-Rukus (WGS)
-Sew (FX)
-Scheme (SK)
-Sherm (WGS)
-Soten (SSH)
-Stay (KD/GPT)
-Sye (TC5)
-Teis (EF10)
-Vins (FC)
-Virus (AA/COD)
-Wane (COD/FC)
-Web (TC5)
-Witnes (AWR/MSK)
-Zee TTK
International Store List
with information where to buy the Graff Wars book
Related links;
Graff Wars coming to a book store near you September 2010
Graff Wars is on Facebook
Star Wars Graffiti pool on flickr
Star Wars productions by Kacao77 on Flickr
Pick up our latest issue; Fat Cap #17 (Star Wars special)
B is for... (Boba Fett rap)
E is for... (Empire strikes back by Kacao77)
Graff Wars countdown; 28 Weeks to go (Oase, Amsterdam 2010)
Graff Wars countdown; 27 Weeks to go (Alto Contraste crew, Salamanca, Spain 2009)
Graff Wars countdown; 26 Weeks to go (Cope2 KD & Guns OWN)
Graff Wars countdown; 25 Weeks to go (Yoda by Snake, Tarbes, Spain 2009)
Graff Wars countdown; 24 Weeks to go (Boba Fett by Smug One, Glasgow, Scotland 2010)
Graff Wars countdown; 23 Weeks to go (Mayday on the frontline by Babie OWN & Goal AIO, Oslo, Norway 2010)
Graff Wars countdown; 22 Weeks to go (Graff Wars canvas by Kacao77,Berlin,Germany 2010)
Graff Wars countdown; 21 Weeks to go (Darth Vader by Ree MTA,New York City 1976)
Graff Wars countdown; 20 Weeks to go (Web TC-5 KaosInc FBA TMT TM7,New York City 2010)
Graff Wars countdown; 19 Weeks to go (The writers strike back, Chemnitz,Germany 2010)
Graff Wars countdown; 18 Weeks to go (R2-D2 by Drone, Munich, Germany 1997)
Graff Wars countdown; 17 Weeks to go (Reincarnated by Kid THP and Goal AIO. Oslo, Norway 2010)
Graff Wars countdown; 16 Weeks to go (Darth Vader by Dizkust BK HG, Houston Texas 2010)
Graff Wars countdown; 15 Weeks to go (Star Wars wall V2 2010 by Kacao77,Mao,Moetrix & Besor)
Graff Wars countdown; 14 Weeks to go (Darth Vader by Ker,Frok & Bexa (OH crew) Bonn, Germany. January 2010)
Graff Wars countdown; 13 Weeks to go (Revok & Witnes (Tyke) MSK. LA 2009)
Graff Wars countdown; 12 Weeks to go (Requesting flicks of these....)
Graff Wars countdown; 11 Weeks to go (Yoda/Pat by Teach 2. Puerto Rico 2010)
Graff Wars countdown; 10 Weeks to go (The Empire Strikes Back by Kacao77
Graff Wars countdown; 9 Weeks to go (Lego Wars by the FC crew. NYC 2010)
Graff Wars countdown; 8 Weeks to go (Boba Fett by Gouge, Stockholm 2010)
Graff Wars countdown; 7 Weeks to go (The root of all evil by Pay2, Kacao77 & Goal. Oslo 2010)
Graff Wars countdown; 6 Weeks to go (He is no good to me dead by Base23, Berlin 2010)
Graff Wars countdown; 5 Weeks to go
(From Dagobah with love by Dams, Slim, Seba, Opse & Weeno. Paris, France 2008)
Graff Wars countdown; 4 Weeks to go
(The Phantom Menace by
Wane COD/FC,Virus COD/AA & Goal AIO/COD/KD/WCA. NYC 2010)
Graff Wars countdown; 3 Weeks to go (Padme by El Mac @ Zazzle.com HQ)
Graff Wars countdown; 2 Weeks to go
(Star Wars Cyborgs by Bounce & Ano9s. Taipei, Taiwan 2009)
Graff Wars countdown; 1 Week to go (Boba Fett by Blen167 Puerto Rico 2010)
Graff Wars; final countdown
The Clone Wars; Orto Plutonia
by Sive One, Doc Nova & Mr. Flash (3Steps) Linden, Germany 2010
Mandalorian command by
Soten SSH,Kacao77,Scheme SK & Goal AIO. Malmø 2009
All Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT) by
Aroe MSK/HA. Brighton UK 2010
Grid Stormtrooper by Puppet. Stockholm,Sweden 2010
wow...wish i had known about this sooner...
International Store List with information where to buy the Graff Wars book